ISO title

Seminars & Events

In this section you will find information on Italy-related academic activities, lectures, seminars etc. at the University of Oxford and elsewhere. Each Academic Term ISO liaises with other associations and circulates a detailed programme of all events related to Italy taking place in Oxford. 

If you would like to be added to the ISO mailing list in order to receive notification of Italy-related activities and events, please send an e-mail to  


Hilary Term


Michaelmas Term

Trinity Term

Hilary Term


Michaelmas Term

Trinity Term

Hilary Term

For previous years scroll down the News sections here.


3. Media and politics in contemporary Italy:    

In 2009-12 ISO collaborated with the Oxford based Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, and its Axess Programme on Journalism and Democracy in their research project entitled The Italian Media in the Age of Silvio Berlusconi. We jointly organized a numbers of seminars, with leading protagonists and experts: from journalists such as Enrico Franceschini and Beppe Severgnini, to social media leaders such as Beppe Grillo (who at the time had the most popular blog in Italy). The programme peaked with a book by the two co-ordinators: Ferdinando Giugliano and John Lloyd, Eserciti di carta: Come si fa informazione in Italia (Milan: Feltrinelli, 2013). 

In the following years, the topic has remained a constant presence in ISO's seminar and events


Historically, ISO's first seminar cycle was entitled: Italy's Changing Shapes.

Seminars included:


Our second seminar series dealt with migration issues, and was called Destinazione Italia.

Seminars included:


Co-organised events

ISO also co-organizes events with other Oxford-based societies, such the Oxford Union, the Oxford University Italian Society, and TOIA, as well as - for example - with the Sub-Faculty of ItalianSaid Business School, Fonderia Oxford and the Axess Programme on Journalism (with whom we run the Media and Politics in Contemporary Italy seminar series).

In this capacity, we have welcomed speakers such as Professor Romano Prodi, H.E. Ambassador Giancarlo Aragona, Roberto Saviano, Beppe Grillo, Paolo Garimberti, Carlo Debenedetti, Lorella Zanardo and Enrico Franceschini (La repubblica).